Introduction to Subscribe Forms

Last Updated: 18/2/2025     Tags: forms, subscribe, webform, capture, form
  • Switch Version
  • V5
  • V4

Taguchi provides public access to certain interfaces using its Web Forms. You are able to capture subscriber data through standard fields, populate custom fields and manipulate list subscriptions using a web form.

Web forms are easy to use and integrate into your existing website, we utilise the HTML form structure to submit data. They are highly customizable and adaptable using CSS styling to suit to your branding needs.

Things To Consider

  • Subscribe forms are synchronous, meaning that once the user submits the form, they will need to wait for the form submission to complete before using any other part of the webpage.
  • If your site uses SSL encryption, our subscribe form will support it.
  • Subscribe forms may inherit styles within your existing website, so it may look different when placed on your website.
  • Subscribe forms require some coding knowledge and access to a website to host it on.

How Subscribe Forms Work

Subscribe forms are placed on your website and use the html <form> element to post data to Taguchi's server. Data is submitted by using the POST method.

st=>start: Submit Form Data e=>end: Return To dest (Success Page) cond=>condition: Captured Successfully? op1=>operation: Return To err (Error Page) st(right)->cond cond(yes)->e cond(no)->op1

Use Cases

Here are some common scenario's for using subscribe forms.

Simple Sign-up

Use a subscribe form to allow your users/customers to sign up to your email newsletter.

Exit Popup

Gain your users/customers attention by integrating a subscribe form into your exit popup.

Competiton Entry Form

Run a competition on your website and use a subscribe form to capture valuable user/customer data.

Get Started

Find out how to create a basic subscribe form, or view the full subscribe form reference to see all available options.