Knowledge Base

What is an activity?

An activity is an individual broadcast email, a triggered message, or a web page.
getting started

How do I create a new email activity to broadcast?

To create and broadcast a new email activity, these are the general steps you take.
getting started

How do I create a new email activity to trigger?

To create and trigger a new email activity, these are the general steps you take.
getting started

How do I create a new SMS broadcast?

To create a new SMS, these are the general steps you take.
getting started

How do I create a new landing page?

To create a new landing page, these are the general steps you take.
getting started

I have paused a broadcast to make changes to the eDM. Do I press the 'Deploy' or 'Resume' button once I have finished the changes?

If you have changed content and re-approved you will need to hit the Deploy button to deploy the new version.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How long does an Activity Check, import or export take to process?

Activity checks, subscriber imports and exports involve subscriber lists and therefore may take some time to process due to multiple contributing factors.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Why has a subscriber been receiving our emails later than the date at which the broadcast was finished?

Delays such as this usually take place at the recipient's mail server, thus we cannot give a specific cause once it has left our servers.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How can I cancel an email broadcast?

You can only cancel a broadcast before it's started queuing (which happens immediately if you set it to send straight away).
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Can I optimise my email by trying all combinations of subject lines and content?

Yes, Taguchi allows you to test different combinations of subject line and content.
campaigns and activities / broadcast