Facebook Ads Integration

Last Updated: 18/2/2025     Tags: Facebook, ads, integrations, Facebook ads
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Integrations is not available for Taguchi V4 and is only available in V5.
Please contact Support if you don't know which version of Taguchi you are using.

Taguchi has an API integration with Facebook which creates a seamless and automated connection between your email marketing database in Taguchi, and Facebook Ads.

You can now easily execute multi-channel marketing campaigns, truly leveraging your companies first party data to its full potential. You may choose to suppress your email marketing audience from Facebook ad campaigns, reducing unnecessary impressions and cost. Perhaps you may wish to extend your email marketing efforts into Facebook Ads, amplifying your message via other marketing channels.

The opportunities are endless.

This integration means you don't need to manually handle your subscriber data externally between Taguchi and Facebook to achieve the above, reducing the risk of data security issues and not to mention effort.

Facebook Custom Audiences

Our simple, self-serve integration tool offers a smart and secure way to get the most out of your ad campaigns; without the risk and inefficiencies of manually handling customer data.

Use Cases

  • Suppression - Send an audience to Facebook to suppress from your paid Facebook campaigns.

  • Targeting - Target a list of subscribers or a segmented audience based on custom field matching.

  • Campaign specific targeting - If a subscriber has or has not engaged with your email, SMS or web campaigns, re-target them to amplify your message. ​

  • Website tracking - Using Taguchi Web Tracking code, re-target subscribers who have visited any page on your website.

  • Conversion targeting – Using the transaction data stored in Taguchi, target customers who have purchased a specific product or range in the past who would qualify for a cross sell promotion. Similarly, if they havent purchase a product or range, you can target those people too.

  • Invalid email - If a profile has an invalid email or no email at all, communicate to them in another way or incentivise them to update their details.

  • A combination of all of the above.


Getting Connected

Create New List

  1. To connect your Taguchi organisation to your Facebook Ad account, the user must: ​

    • Have Administrator access to Taguchi; and​

    • Have the appropriate access level on Facebook. ​

  1. As an admin of Taguchi, you will see the ’Credentials’ page under Settings > Credentials​.

Create New List

  1. Select ‘Add new Credential’ and a new screen will pop up.

Create New List

  1. Type in a name – you may consider being specific about the account name should you operate more than 1 ad account. ​

  2. Select the ‘Credential type’ in the drop down and choose Facebook Ads account (note: there are other standard integration credentials available in Taguchi which are included in this list).

  3. Click Save. At this point, it will ask you to save but the account is not yet connected. ​

Create New List

  1. Once saved, this will close the screen and return you to the list of Credentials. The new Credential name will appear in this list.

  2. Click on this name of the new credential.

Create New List

  1. Once the name is clicked in the list of Credentials, it will re-open the screen. What appears now, is a link to request Authorization from Facebook. ​

Request Authorization from Facebook

Create New List

  1. Click on 'Click here'

  2. This will redirect you to Facebook. You will be prompted to login to your account. Once you have logged into your account, a pop up will appear asking to provide permission for Taguchi to access the account and the user email address. Select Yes to both and click Done. ​

  3. A confirmation will appear and select ‘OK’​

  4. This will redirect you back to Taguchi and now the connection is in place.

The email address of your subscriber profile in Taguchi must be the same email address within the ads platform, hence you will need to ensure that the addresses are the same for both platforms.

Create Your Audiences

New Integration

To create a new integration, ensure that you have the required User Type integration role privileges assigned to you. The 'integration' page is under Settings > Integrations.

Create New List

Select ‘New Credential’ and a new screen will popup.

Create New List


Create New List

  1. Set the name of the integration.

  2. Under 'Type', select 'Import: Facebook Ads'. When selecting the integration type, do take note that the integrations are arranged in five different groups which are API, Import, Export, Messaging, Scheduled and that some integrations would appear in multiple groups.

  3. The Schedule start date/time allows the integration start point. When used in tandem with repeat (daily), this allows the integration to repeat daily at 15:00 (based on the example above).

  4. Repeats allow you to conduct the integration multiple times without having to create a new integration. You could choose either Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily and Hourly. Some platforms have processing limitation whereby it could take up to a maximum of 24 hours (Facebook) to process the data. Hence hourly repeats might be affected and daily repeat might be a preferred option instead.


Create New List

  1. Choose the desired credential to use that you have set up in the credential page.

  2. Add the Facebook account ID of the account that you want to feed the data to. Since the Facebook account ID is not pre-populated, you would need to obtain the Facebook account ID by accessing the Ads Manager > Audiences section in Facebook. Once you are in audiences, the account ID is in the top right hand corner.

Create New List

  1. The Facebook Audience ID is equivalent to the Taguchi List ID whereby you would be able to access the list of audiences you would like to target. To obtain the Facebook Audience ID, you would need to create a list in Facebook which would generate the ID. Once the ID has been generated, copy and paste it into the Facebook Audience ID input box. The Audience ID is located in the Ads Manager > Audiences in right side of the page.

  2. Audience Update Operation allows us to "Add matching subscribers" or "Replace subscribers".

"Add matching subscribers" will add subscribers to Facebook who match the target expression set up in the integration. This is a cumulative feed.

"Replace subcribers" allows users to refresh subscriber data in Facebook with new information. This process works by removing the old data of the subscriber in Facebook and adding new information of the subscriber.

Target Expression

Create New List

Target expressions allows us to target specific subscribers in a list or based on other variables.

For more on Target Expressions see our article ‘What are target expressions?’

Save Changes and Activate

Create New List

Once you have added your Details, Configuration and Target Expression, you will be able to save changes (1) and activate (2) the integration. You can only activate once you have save changes.


Create New List

To stop the integration, click on Deactivate. This will stop Taguchi and Facebook from sharing data.

Active Integration

Create New List

Once the integration has been saved and activated, the on/off icon of the integration card will change from yellow (Off) to green (On) which indicates that it is now activated.

Update Integration

Create New List Create New List

If you want to update your Integration, you will be able to make the changes while it is activated or deactivated. Once the changes have been made, you will be able to update the integration by clicking on 'Save changes'. The Integration will be updated immediately.

Integration Status

Users can determine the status of an integration by looking for the status symbol (On/Off icon) colour within the integration tile.


  • Green – This colour indicates that integration is active and has either been deployed or awaiting deployment.

  • Yellow – This colour indicates that the integration has been deactivated.

  • Red – This colour indicates that the integration has failed to deploy the extract.

Integration Deployment Status


Users will be able to view the integration status message by hovering their cursor over the status symbol (On/Off) icon.

The messages the users will see will vary based on the deployment of the integration.

  • Green – "Integration has not yet run (Start time/date have not occurred yet) / Integration is deployed. Last successful run on Mon May 06 2024 06:00:44 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)"

  • Yellow – "Integration is not deployed (Deactivated)"

  • Red – "Integration Failed to run on Mon May 06 2024 06:00:44 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)"

Troubleshooting Measures

  • Users would need to ensure that the email address that they used in their credential authorization is the same email address that is used in their subscriber profile in Taguchi. Using the wrong email address will result in the connection between Taguchi and your ad manager platform to break. The issue will only be resolved once the email address is the same and the credential is reauthorized.

  • Your ads platform account can have multiple accounts (Account IDs) in which each account ID can have multiple lists (Lists IDs) associated with it. So, when populating the integration, the user would need to take into consideration which account and list they will be sending the extract over to and to ensure that the correct account ID and list ID is added into the integration configuration and that the account ID and list ID matches the ads platform.

  • Do ensure that you do not mix your list ID and account ID as that will also break the connection.

  • When choosing the interval (Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly) in the integration setup, users would need to take into consideration that the ads platform (Facebook) that will receive the data from us will take 24 - 48 hours to ingest which would mean that an hourly repeat for the integration would result in the data not being displayed on your ads platform and could also result in your connection being potentially cut. Hence, we recommend using Daily, Weekly or Monthly instead of Hourly.

  • To reauthorize the credentials, you would need to click on “Click to request authorization from Facebook” within the choosen credential. The link will lead you to an authorization page. The steps to reauthorize the credentials is the same as the authorization steps above.

If you are having trouble with this integration, please contact Taguchi Support for assistance.