Activity Reports
Click the 'Activity Options' dotted icon in the lower right corner of an activity tile to access the activity actions. From here, you can access multiple activity report options.
Activity reports display the entire history (date range) of the activity. To view date specific report data, please use the online report with the interactive graph. Custom reports may also be acquired (subject to scoping and requirements), please contact Taguchi® Support for more information.
View online
To see a quick interactive overview of your activity, click the 'View online' link under 'Reports'. This will launch a modal the following information...
The first graph you will see is the 'Overall performance' graph. This graph is handy in displaying a general overview of your activity over the entire duration (from send date, to present).

The following fields are displayed above the graph:
The total number of email/SMS messages sent.
The total number of messages that bounced (were undeliverable).
Bounce rate (%)
The number of messages that bounced, expressed as a percentage of the number of messages sent.
The total number of subscribers that have unsubscribed through this activity.
Unique opens (%)
The number of messages opened, expressed as a proportion of the number of messages sent. Note that a recipient can open a message multiple times, but this will only be recorded as a single unique open.
Total opens (%)
The total number of times messages were opened, expressed as a percentage of the number of messages sent. If messages were opened more than once on average, this number will exceed 100%.
Unique clicks (%)
The number of messages clicked, expressed as a proportion of the number of messages sent. Note that a recipient can click on links in a message multiple times, but this will only be recorded as a single unique click.
Total clicks (%)
The total number of times links in this message were clicked, expressed as a percentage of messages sent. This counts individual clicks on multiple links within a message, as well as multiple clicks on a single link within a message. If an average of more than 1 click has resulted from each message, this number will exceed 100%.
Converted (%)
Total number of conversions that have occurred as a result of this activity, expressed as a proportion of messages sent.
Average value ($)
The average value of a conversion resulting from this activity.
Total value ($)
The total conversion value of this activity (all conversions).
Value / send ($)
The average conversion value per message sent.
This is an interactive graph allowing you to expand and contract the selected area using your mouse. The numbers shown above the graph reflect the selected date range. This graph is useful for seeing how well your email performs after the send date.

The following fields are displayed above the graph:
The total number of email/SMS messages sent during the selected date range.
The number of messages that bounced (were undeliverable) during the selected date range.
Unique opens
The number of messages opened during the selected date range. A subscriber can open a message multiple times, but this will only be recorded as a single unique open.
Unique clicks
The number of messages clicked during the selected date range. A subscriber can click links within a message multiple times, but this will only be recorded as a single unique click.
The number of conversions that resulted from this activity during the selected date range.
Total value ($)
The total conversion value of this activity during the selected date range (all conversions).
Clients and Devices
This graph shows the email clients and devices used to view the eDM. This graph is represented by a pie graph and the colour values are assigned to the right of the graph.

The top clients are displayed above the graph for desktop, mobile and overall. A percentile is displayed to show the device spread between mobile and desktop. This is a useful statistic to know if you wish to cater your template/activities to be more mobile friendly.
This section shows you the click-through performance for each of the links contained in your eDM. Each link is listed with a percentage representing the total clicks.

Additional statistics are availailable above the list including:
Unique clicks (%)
The number of unique, individual recipients who clicked on at least one link in the eDM, divided by the number of emails which were accepted by the recipient's mail servers.
Total clicks (%)
The total number of times links within the emails were clicked by recipients.
Click-to-open (%)
The number of clicks on the message, expressed as a proportion of the number of unique opens. This measures the average number of clicks per recipient who opened the eDM.
Conversion-to-click (%)
Conversion-to-click is the percentage of clicks that resulted in conversions.
Average value per click ($)
Average value per click is the average conversion value per click.
If your eDM has multiple content or subject line versions/combinations, this section will display the performance of each variation and compare the best and worst percentile. Percentiles consist of those who received the full send (or defined combination), split into ten equal percentiles (100% ÷ 10). When broken down, each percentile is split using it's key performing metrics such as engagement metrics and conversion metrics.

The charts at the bottom show how each combination performed across the engagement deciles of those who received it. To decline on the left, bottom on the right.
You can use these percentiles in future sends using target expressions. Say for example you would like to target the first 4 percentiles (40%) of the send (e.g. activity ID 123) in terms of engagement. You could use the following target expression in a new activity for a send target:
sent activities 123 most engaged 40%
To read more about using value predicates in target expressions and to see the full syntax, please read the full target expression reference.
Row 1 - The green coloured row corresponds to the green graph line and represents the percentage of total sent within that 10%.
Row 2 - The blue coloured row corresponds to the blue graph line and represents the percentage of unique opens within that 10%.
Row 3 - The yellow coloured row corresponds to the yellow graph line and represents the percentage of unique clicks within that 10%.
Row 4 - The red coloured row corresponds to the red graph line and represents the percentage of conversions within that 10%.
Click-through Heatmap
To see a more visual representation of clicks, a heatmap and clickmap (total or %) is available. A colour injected heatmap will display on top of your activity content and will reflect the eDM activity recorded.

You can change the version/combination and change any test account variables in the top right corner. The top right corner contains a dropdown to switch between desktop and mobile views, along with a dropdown to change the map type (heatmap or click map).