How do I set up custom click tracking in my template?

Last Updated: 26/7/2024     Tags: custom click tracking, click tracking, tracking
  • Switch Version
  • V5
  • V4

Custom Tracking domains are used for tracking links in emails, SMS messages and webpages. The tracked link will pass through the specified tracking domain before reaching its final destination, whilst allowing for the tracking pixel to track the clicks/opens

Why a custom click tracking domain? It's a better end-user experience, and it reduces the risk of client tracking cookies conflicting when using our generic tracking domains.

How to set up a custom tracking domain

  1. An administrator of your organisation needs to configure the tracking domain in the Settings > Domains section of Taguchi.
  2. Click 'Add tracking domain' and then input the click tracking domain and click 'Save'. If it doesn't appear to be added refresh page AddTrackingDomain NewTrackingDomain
  3. You will then need to set up a sub-domain on your existing domain and add the CNAME record, which can be found under the "Tracking domains" heading. If you need assistance with this please contact Taguchi Support. CNAME
  4. Once you see the status go from 'Pending' to 'Authorized', this confirms we have detected a DNS record is pointing to us (this usually takes within an hour). The next morning the status will then change to 'Configured' once it has been provisioned on our servers. If the status displays 'pending' for longer than 24 hours please contact Taguchi Support for assistance.
  5. The changes will be applied automatically between 8–9am daily.
  6. Once the sub-domain has been configured for custom click tracking, your eDM template/s will need to be updated to use the sub-domain as custom click tracking domain. Please contact Taguchi Support to arrange this update.

During the custom tracking set up process, an SSL certificate will be automatically applied to the sub-domain. The Domain section is only available for users with administrator rights.