What is click tracking?

Last Updated: 18/2/2025     Tags: click tracking, tracking, link tracking, clicks
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Click tracking enables clicks on links within an email, sms or webpage to be tracked in Taguchi.

It's used for analysis, campaign automation or segmentation purposes. The following data is logged for each click:

  • Date and time;
  • Which subscriber clicked;
  • Which activity the subscriber clicked (down to the optimized combination of content that was received);
  • Which link the subscriber clicked (multiple links to the same URL are tracked independently);

Within an activity, any link (<a href=""> in HTML, or any string matching a URL-identifying regular expression in text) is replaced with a Taguchi tracking URL. This includes the name of the Taguchi tracking server, (like http://<client>.taguchimail.com/...), and a series of alphanumeric tracking codes which uniquely identify the email and link type.

If you have a custom click tracking domain set up, the Taguchi tracking URL will load over that domain.

If you do not have a custom click tracking domain, we recommend one is set up. Please see our article 'How do I set up a custom click tracking?'