V5 API Webhook Integrations

Last Updated: 18/2/2025     Tags: V5 API Webhook, Integrations, V5 API, Endpoint, Webhook
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  • V5
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Integrations is not available for Taguchi V4 and is only available in V5.
Please contact Support if you don't know which version of Taguchi you are using.

Taguchi has an API integration which creates a seamless and automated connection between your email marketing database in Taguchi, and your organisation.

This integration means you don't need to manually handle your subscriber data externally between Taguchi and your organisation to achieve the above, reducing the risk of data security issues and not to mention effort.

V5 API Webhook Integrations

Our simple, self-serve integration tool offers a smart and secure way to manage your integration; without the risk and inefficiencies of manually handling customer data.


There are no credentials needed for this integration.

Create Your V5 API Webhook Integration

New Integration

To create a new integration, ensure that you have the required User Type integration role privileges assigned to you. The 'integration' page is under Settings > Integrations.

Create New List

Select ‘New Integration’ and a new screen will popup.

Create New List


Create New List

  1. Set the name of the integration.

  2. Under 'Type', select 'V5 API Webhook'.


Create New List

  1. Destination URL: The destination URL for a webhook API is the endpoint where the webhook sends HTTP POST requests to when a specific event occurs. You can input your Destination URL here.

  2. Maximum re-delivery attempts: The Maximum re-delivery attempts is a form of retry mechanism to handle delivery failures. You can choose the maximum ammount of times that the integration will attempt a re-delivery.

  3. Send subscriber profile updates: The Send subscriber profile updates will notify subscribers of the webhook about changes or updates to user profiles when the checkbox is ticked.

  4. Send subscriber events: The Send subscriers events will notify subscribers about specific events or actions related to subscribers themselves when the checkbox is ticked.

  5. Included profile fields (JSON array): This field refers to specifying which user profile fields or attributes should be included in the payload of the webhook. This is done using a JSON array where each element represents a profile field or attribute

Save Changes and Activate

Create New List

Once you have added your Details, Configuration and Target Expression, you will be able to save changes (1) and activate (2) the integration. You can only activate once you have save changes.


Create New List

To stop the integration, click on Deactivate. This will stop Taguchi and TikTok from sharing data.

Active Integration

Create New List

Once the integration has been saved and activated, the on/off icon of the integration card will change from yellow (Off) to green (On) which indicates that it is now activated.

Update Integration

Create New List Create New List

If you want to update your Integration, you will be able to make the changes while it is activated or deactivated. Once the changes have been made, you will be able to update the integration by clicking on 'Save changes'. The Integration will be updated immediately.

If you are having trouble with this integration, please contact Taguchi Support for assistance.