importing subscribers

Import logic via Taguchi UI

Taguchi uses one or more of the following keys (a.k.a. fields and columns), arranged from higher to lower precedence, from an import file to identify subscribers in the database.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Which file formats can I upload to Taguchi?

Find out what file formats we support.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Does Taguchi automatically de-duplicate subscribers when importing to an already existing list?

Yes. Any additional information you provide for this subscriber will be added to or updated in their Taguchi profile.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Does Taguchi automatically de-duplicate subscribers when broadcasting an email to two separate lists that include common subscribers?

Yes, Taguchi will recognise duplicates when multiple lists are selected for a single activity.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

I've imported a list of subscribers but when I try to set up an activity, this list seems to be empty. Why is that?

Check if you correctly went through the steps where common mistakes are made.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Can I import any non-standard fields?

Yes. You can import custom fields by selecting 'Custom Field' from the field selection drop-down on the import screen.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Does the upload file need to contain all fields present in the Import Fields file?

The file you import to Taguchi can contain as many or as few fields as you like.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

What happens if I import a new email address that is already unsubscribed or invalid in Taguchi?

Taguchi will keep all subscriber preferences and information when importing already existing subscribers.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

Can I merge two of my lists into one?

Yes. Generate an extract of both lists and create a new list from the Subscribers tab.
subscriber management / importing subscribers

What are list options?

Describes what list options are and why they are useful.
subscriber management / importing subscribers