What happens when a subscriber clicks on a Social media button in an email?

Last Updated: 14/10/2024     Tags: social, media, facebook, twitter, linkedin
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When a subscriber clicks on the Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn buttons in the email, the online version of the eDM will be shown and a dialog box will be displayed. The following happens when a social network button is clicked:

  • For Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, the like or share actions will be displayed in the subscriber’s feed, where his or her friends and followers can see. Taguchi tracks this ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ action. For Facebook, the number of ‘likes’ are displayed in the Taguchi UI and in the Activity Detailed reports.
  • For Twitter, the subscriber is redirected to Twitter’s sharing page before the subscriber can finally 'tweet' the message. The 'tweet' actions are not captured by Taguchi.