How do I disable link tracking in an SMS?

Last Updated: 14/10/2024     Tags: sms, tracking, links
  • Switch Version
  • V5
  • V4

The standard Taguchi SMS template (along with standard email templates) contain a Taguchi generated tracking code for reporting purposes.

Please note that the tracking code can take more characters.
You may need to disale click tracking when tracking URL exceeds the characters limitation and the URL doesn't work as it's cut off.

If you wish to disable click tracking and you are using an XLST SMS template, simply add {onclick:notrack:} to the end of the URL.

For example:{onclick:notrack:}

If you wish to disable click tracking and you are using a JavaScript template, switch to the V5 version of this article.

Contact Taguchi Support if you are unsure whether the template you are using is XLST or JavaScript.

Click tracking is disabled by default with the standard Taguchi SMS template (JavaScript) because the tracking code uses up more characters when the maximum characters in an SMS is limited.

The template will not add the tracking code to any URLs, so the URL will appear as it is in the activity preview.