How do I read my Activity Check?

Last Updated: 18/2/2025     Tags: activity check, run activity check
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Description of each item in the Activity Check can be found below. If you have any questions relating to any of the errors, please contact Taguchi Support.

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Attribute 'href' is missing One or more links has a link that is missing the href attribute Show Examples
  • Link with missing href atttribute:


  • Link with with href atttribute:

    <a href="">Taguchi</a>

The value of 'href' is blank One or more links has an href attribute but it doesn't contain a value - Please contact Taguchi Support. Show Examples
  • Link with missing href atttribute:

    <a href="">Taguchi</a>

  • Link with with href atttribute:

    <a href="">Taguchi</a>

Failed to load (link address) -- please test the link manually Taguchi cannot load the external link. Click on the link to test it manually as the activity check recommends. If the link loads, it will work correctly in the email. If it doesn't load, it's either not found on the server where the resource is located or the link is incorrect. Show Examples
  • The most common examples of why this error may occur is as follows:

    • The resource included in the URL could not be found on the remote server (404 Error) Example 404 Error
      This error may vary depending on the remote server.
    • The link took too long to load.
    • Taguchi has a timer set on its activity check such that if the link takes too long to load, the activity check will display the "Failed to load (link address) -- please test the link manually" error. If the link still fails to load, check for any possible errors in the URL.

    If it does eventually load:

    • There may be network congestion
    • The URL may have been purposfully redirected due to a page being moved or its also common for a link to be redirected for tracking purposes.

    If the link still fails to load and you're unsure why, please contact Taguchi Support

Link may not load in all browsers A link may have spaces/whitespace at the end. Please check the link within the activity and remove any spaces/whitespace. Show Examples
  • The animation below shows an example of where whitespace or a space may be recorded in the url causing the url not to load in some browsers.

    Example of whitespace getting recorded in a link url

    Once the user clicks on another field, the URL will be recorded to the database as ' ' rather than ''.

    Some browsers are able to handle urls with whitespace and some cannot. In cases where they can't the browser may report that the URL cannot be found.

Remote server error -- please test the link manually Check the following:
  1. Check the link manually by opening it in another window or tab. If the link still fails, please contact the owner of the link.
  2. Check for a malformed url.
  3. Check for url encoding issues.
Show Examples
  • If the link fails to load (including in a new window or tab), you may encounter a HTTP error that looks similar to the screenshot below:

    500 Server error
    This error may vary depending on the remote server.
Link not starting with http:// or https:// Check all links either start with http:// or https://. If they donโ€™t youโ€™ll need to update the links within the activity. Show Examples
  • Sample Valid Links:

    Valid HTTP Scheme Example Valid HTTP Scheme Example
  • Sample Invalid Link:

    Missing HTTP Scheme Example


Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Attribute 'src' is missing

Check all image tags contain a src attribute

Show Examples
  • Image with missing src atttribute:


  • Image with with src atttribute:

    <img src='taguchi.jpg'>

The value of 'src' is blank

One or more image links do not have a value in the src attribute. Inspect all image links and add the src value where missing

Show Examples
  • Image with blank src atttribute:

    <img src=''>

  • Image with with src atttribute set:

    <img src='taguchi.jpg'>

Image failed to load

One or more images does not exist or is unavailable. Check all image urls (including file names) manually.

Show Examples
  • The most common examples of why this error may occur is as follows:

    • The image could not be found on the remote server

      Example Image Error
      This error may vary depending on the remote server.
    • The link took too long to load.
    • Taguchi has a timer set on its activity check such that if the link takes too long to load, the activity check will display the "Failed to load (link address) -- please test the link manually" error. If the link still fails to load, check for any possible errors in the URL.

    If it does eventually load:

    • There may be network congestion

    • The URL may have been purposfully redirected due to a page being moved or its also common for a link to be redirected for tracking purposes.

    If the link still fails to load and you're unsure why, please contact Taguchi Support

Image MAY NOT load in all browsers One or more image urls contain spaces/whitespace. Check all image urls for spaces/whitespace images must be used with a CDN. All images must be hosted on a CDN (content delivery network). Contact Taguchi Support as reccomended.
Image URL not starting with http:// or https:// One or more image URLs does not start with http:// or https://. Check all blocks for image urls missing http:// or https://

Subject lines

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
The 'Subject' header is missing

There is no subject line set in the activity. Check the subject line in the activity.

Show Examples
  • Sample Emtpy Subject:

    Empty Subject Example

The 'Subject' header is empty

There is no subject line set in the activity or it contains whitespace with no other characters. Check the subject line in the activity contains valid subject content.

Show Examples
  • Sample Emtpy With Whitespace:

    Empty Subject with Whitespace


Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Could not substitute One or more personalization tag(s) is invalid. Please check any personalizations against the javascript personalization documentation

We also have a Personalization Tag Generator if you prefer to use that. Show Examples
  • Sample Valid Personalization tag:

    {%= recipient.custom.some_custom_field %}

    It's important to note that even though the personalization tag may be valid, the personalization may not work if one of the following conditions occurs:

    • The custom field is not spelt or doesn't use the exact character combination that the field in subscribers profile uses.
    • The custom field does not exist in the subscribers profile.

Open-rate Tracking Image

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Open-rate Tracking Image: Not present Our templates require an open tracking image to track when an email is opened. If the required code is not in the template, statistics relevant to opens will not be available or recorded. Please contact Taguchi Support.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
SPF/SenderID not implemented for address <> SPF is not implemented the specified address. See our documentation on setting up SPF here. Also see What is SPF & DKIM? If you require further assistance or information, please contact Taguchi Support.
SPF Permanent Error: Two or more type TXT SPF records found Multiple SPF records are not reccomened as it may cause deliverability and spam classificaton issues. Only use one SPF record as per our support document here.
SPF/SenderID: SPF Temporary Error: DNS Timeout Our system has not found a SPF record for your sending domain. This may happen from time to time if the hosting DNS server is not available. Try clicking the 'Run Activity Check' button again after waiting 30 minutes. If the problem persists, you may need to contact your DNS administrator/provider.
SPF/SenderID: domain owner discourages use of this host SPF is configured incorrectly. Please ensure you have your SPF record configured to include as per our documentation here.
SFP/SenderID: SPF Permanent Error: No valid SPF record for included domain An SPF record exists but has invalid syntax. See our documentation on setting up DKIM and SPF here.
SFP/SenderID: SPF Permanent Error: too many DNS Lookups SFP/SenderID is limited to 10 lookups. This can be solved by doing one or a combination of the following:
  • Reduce the number of includes or delete un-used includes.
  • Use an IP range for lookups.

Although this will not affect the broadcast of an activity, it should be addressed by your DNS (Domain Name Service) Administrator.


Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Broadcast Destination: not found There is no target set. Ensure you have a target set under Distribution Settings.
No subscribers will receive this email. Your target expression is valid, but there are no subscribers that meet the criteria. Check for logical errors, incorrect field names, and incorrect IDs then click the 'Run Activity Check' button again. Also see our target expression documentation here.
Number of recipients: Failed to check for number of recipients. There is an invalid target expression within the activity. Usually this can occur within segments or the activity target expression. Check through any target expressions present within the activity, and try to see if you can find errors with logic, incorrect field names or incorrect list IDs, activity IDs etc. Once you've fixed the issue, click 'Run Activity Check' button again.

Email Size

Checks the email content size; not image size. These checks are designed to encourage users to reduce email size in order to speed up send and open times.

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
Email size greater than or equal to 200.00KB. Current size: 202.00KB The email is greater than or equal to the recommended maximum 200.00KB. It is advised that content is removed. Please contact Taguchi Support for further investigation.
Email size should be less than 100.00KB. Current size: 150.00KB The email is greater than the recommended 100KB but less than 200.00KB which may impact the user experience on Gmail (Desktop).
Email size is OK: 99.90KB The email size is within the optimal size for reducing send and load time.

Bad XML Content

Relevant Error Meaning/Solution
This email contains XML content that may have been cut from a Microsoft Word document and pasted into your activity which can cause excessive email size and/or unexpected formatting. Check the content in code mode. Also see the article "I have copied text into my activity, but the font styles look different from the rest of the email or my email breaks. How come?"

There is bad content in the email such as XML content cut an pasted from Microsoft Word documents.

Show Examples
  • Sample Bad Email Content:

    <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves>false</w:TrackMoves> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>