Configuring your Taguchi organisation

Last Updated: 28/2/2025     Tags: organisation, configuration, users, onboarding, account
  • Switch Version
  • V5
  • V4

As part of your onboarding, you should have received an invitation to set up your Taguchi Account.

So what's next?

Getting Started

Here you'll find your first steps in getting ready to use Taguchi.

Create Account & Password

If you have been added to a Taguchi organisation and have never had access to Taguchi before, please refer to the following 'Account Activation' article.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

As per Taguchi's security requirements and commitment to protecting our clients, we require Two-Factor authentication on user profiles. To enable 2FA, follow the instructions outlined in our 'Two-Factor Authentication' article.


If you're having trouble accessing Taguchi, you may need reset your password. Feel free to refer to our instructions on 'Logging In' in our V5 User Guide.

If you continue to have issues, please contact support by following the instructions here in our 'Taguchi® Support & OneDesk Client Support Portal Guide'.

Getting Familiar

Let's get a little more familiar with Taguchi. It can be easy to get lost in new and unfamiliar systems, so to assist in this process, we've outlined a few areas for new users to navigate.


Your first step before adding other users, should be to familiarise yourself with Taguchi's user interface.

'Dashboard V5 User Guide'

Dashboard Tab


All activities need to be tied to a campaign, as the primary tool of Taguchi, campaigns are a grouping of emails, sms and webforms. Each campaign can include a mix of different activities.

  1. To create your first campaign within your organisation, navigate to the campaign section on the left-hand side of the Taguchi app.
  2. Click the 'New Campaign' button, give it a name, a start and end date and click 'save'.

More information on campaigns can be found in our V5 User Guide within the 'Campaigns' section.

Campaigns Tab


Assets can be used to populate activities with images and premade modular sections, these include images that can be modified as well. Taguchi boasts the abilities to build a 'dynamic asset' library. To set up your asset library for your organisation, you'll need to contact someone from Taguchi to set up the following:

  • A basic image asset template.
  • Adding a dynamic asset block to the eDM template. 'Asset Library'

Assets Tab


The subscribers tab of Taguchi handles and contains everything to do with subscribers - the people who receive your emails, text messages or use your webforms - this includes lists, or individuals. Lists will occupy the main part of this screen, as tiles, which you can click to review engagement information of along with extracting the lists for more detailed information. Searching for individual subscribers will need to be done via the search bar top of the screen. 'Subscribers'

Subscribers Tab


Most of the customisation and administration options for your organisation can be found within the Settings section, at the bottom left of the Taguchi application.

From here you can:

  • Customise your Organisation's logo and header background colour.
  • Bolster your database security by setting IP whitelists for Taguchi access.
  • Input third party services credentials.
  • Set up integrations.
  • Add Tags.
  • Create custom fields for subscriber profiles.
  • Create and manage partitions for your organisation's data.
  • Add Users.
  • Add and manage manual list import rules.
  • See the templates your organisations use.
  • Set up themes.
  • Set up domains.

For more information on how to manage your organisation's settings, please visit the 'Settings' section in our V5 User Guide.

Settings Tab

Start Configuration

The following section requires certain permission levels to alter (Power User and above), to read about User Types, click here.

Adding Users

To add users to your Taguchi organisation, access the Users section found within Settings.

For further instructions and details on how to add and manage users within your Taguchi organisation, please refer to the 'User Management' section within the 'V5 User Guide'.

Sending Domains

Domains allow you to configure your sending domains so your emails can be sent from Taguchi servers. This is an important step for deliverability and security.

For a guide on sender domain setup, please see our 'How to set up sender domains' article.

Click Tracking Domains

Domains also allows you to configure tracking domains - Tracking domains may be used for open and click tracking in emails, click tracking in SMS, website behaviour tracking, and Taguchi web page hosting.

For information on click tracking domains, please see our 'How do I set up custom click tracking in my template' article & 'How to set up click tracking domains' video.

Building a Theme

Themes allow our users to brand each Taguchi instance through their Themes which allows stamping of their logo and background colour for added personalisation. This can be found within the 'Settings' tab within the 'Themes' area. This will require Administrator permissions to access. For further information on building themes, see our 'Theme' section within the V5 User Guide. Or the 'V5 Email Activity Edit Interface' guide.


Creating an Activity

Activities are Taguchi's means of allowing users to build flexible emails, sms and webpages for their brand. For more on creating activities, see the 'Getting Started' section of our knowledge base.


Credentials will be required for any external APIs or integrations your organisation may use. To customise and set up your organisations credentials for these external or third-party tools, the credentials tab can be found within the Settings menu on the Taguchi application. For further details and instructions on how to use credentials please refer to our 'Credentials' article.

To configure credentials, you will need administrator privileges. For more about User Types, please refer to the 'User Types' section of our V5 User Guide.


Taguchi supports a wide variety of integrations within its system, allowing it to work with existing frameworks or APIs your brand may be currently working with. Of the two most common, however, are authenticated and unauthenticated endpoint integrations. For assistance on setting either of these up, follow these guides on 'V5 API Endpoint (Unauthenticated) Integration'.html) & 'V5 API Endpoint (Authenticated) Integration'.html).


We want your first campaign sent from Taguchi to be a successful one, so please speak with your client success manager, to find out more about the training options we provide.