
I have paused a broadcast to make changes to the eDM. Do I press the 'Deploy' or 'Resume' button once I have finished the changes?

If you have changed content and re-approved you will need to hit the Deploy button to deploy the new version.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How long does an Activity Check, import or export take to process?

Activity checks, subscriber imports and exports involve subscriber lists and therefore may take some time to process due to multiple contributing factors.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Why has a subscriber been receiving our emails later than the date at which the broadcast was finished?

Delays such as this usually take place at the recipient's mail server, thus we cannot give a specific cause once it has left our servers.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How can I cancel an email broadcast?

You can only cancel a broadcast before it's started queuing (which happens immediately if you set it to send straight away).
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Can I optimise my email by trying all combinations of subject lines and content?

Yes, Taguchi allows you to test different combinations of subject line and content.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Why does optimisation not work when using multiple subject lines?

The most likely issue is that you have checked the Link with subject line with optimization groups box.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How can I send two different emails to each half of a subscriber list?

There is a couple of ways you could go about this. Read more within this article to find out how.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Can I send a particular activity to an individual subscriber?

Yes you can specifically send it to one email address. You just need to change the Distribution Settings to send it to his or her email address.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Can Taguchi send out to a list in a particular order?

Taguchi cannot send out to a list in any particular order. The order of the send is dependent on a number of technical factors regarding our database server and mail server.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Is there an optimum time for broadcasting emails?

Unfortunately not, because it varies dramatically from database to database and results are mostly influenced by content and call to action.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Why do client's computers freeze when they try to open or close our emails?

The most common issue is that the client's computer has old software running on old hardware.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

What is throttling and what does it do?

Definition of throttling and how it works.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How Do I Schedule a Broadcast In a Different Time Zone?

How to schedule a broadcast in a different time zone
campaigns and activities / broadcast

I have scheduled an activity but it hasn't sent at the set date and time.

How to troubleshoot issues with scheduled broadcasts.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

I have broadcast an email with incorrect distribution settings.

How to fix an email with incorrect distrobution settings.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How do I update the date or time of a scheduled activity broadcast?

Updating the schedule date or time of your activity broadcast.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How many emails can Taguchi send per minute by default?

About the number of emails that Taguchi can send per minute.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Do I need to re-schedule a eDM or SMS if I make changes before its sent?

How activities are effected when you make changes before sending.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Workflow V5

Workflow is one of the Taguchi interface features which makes it easier to manage and collaborate with others when creating, approving and deploying activities.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

How long does it take for an email or SMS activity to start sending?

Activities need to queue before they start sending. Find out the typical queue times in this article.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Why does forwarding or replying to an email sent from Taguchi break the layout?

Replying or forwarding email campaign from almost every email client causes issues with formatting.
campaigns and activities / broadcast

Email & SMS activity deployment and send process

A guide to the crucial process of scheduling and deploying an activity.
campaigns and activities / broadcast